Hi everyone today we have Christina Leigh Pritchard, author of the C I N series, with us talking about the meanest character she's ever written. Please give her a warm welcome, and now I'll let her take it away:
First off, hello everyone and thank you, Lindsey, for having me on your blog today! I also want to give a
special shout out to L.M. Preston, author of The Pact: Retribution (available September 28th!) for putting
this mini blog tour together. It’s been wonderful learning about new books and authors!
“Who is the meanest character you’ve ever written?”
I want to say that Frank is the meanest character I’ve ever written (from the C I N Series) but I’m going
to have to go with Officer Lindsey instead. She’s a tyrannical leader in a futuristic novel (The War in the
Wall) I wrote back in the 1990’s (unreleased—but think of the Hunger Games x20!)
Officer Lindsey is fat and bitter. She’s complex but means well in her twisted way—lining up the parents
of her kidnapped children—and forcing them to watch as their parents are executed. This, of course, is
only the beginning. Officer Lindsey is so cruel, sometimes, while writing her scenes, I couldn’t stomach
what was being typed. I cried a lot and took lots of walks on the beach to clear my head!
(Now you see why I have never released this one! It’s the most violent and graphic book I’ve ever
written—and it was during my young teen years. Hormones? LOL!)
To learn more about the C I N Series and future books visit the blog dedicated to the series or check out
the debut novel C I N on Amazon.
Thanks for stopping by, Christina! How interesting that her meanest character was named "Officer Lindsey;" can't say the two of us are alike haha. Be sure to check out her book!
Friday, September 28, 2012
The Meanest Character (with Christina Leigh Pritchard)
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 27, 2012
What Do You Love About Writing (with Bryna Butler)
Hey everyone! Today we have YA Paranormal author, Bryna Butler, as a guest on the blog. Please give a warm welcome and be sure to check out her books like Of Sun & Moon.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 8:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Pack Retribution: Emma Michaels hosts

Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 7:00 AM 0 comments
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Pack Retribution Blog Tour with amazing hosts!
So this week is going to be a little crazy because we have the Pack Retribution blog tour going on for Lm Preston. The great thing Lm has done with this tour is allowed us fellow authors to connect with one another and share with our followers about our work and hers. So hopefully throughout this week you'll learn a little about each of us.
Want to meet your hosts?

KaSonndra Leigh
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Getting in a relationship... With your SEQUEL
Writing a sequel to your first book is like getting into a new relationship. You fell entirely in love with your first book, and now you'll have to start all over again for this upcoming sequel. It's sad in a way. You have to say farewell to the book you were dedicated to, and dedicate yourself to this new book.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 6:26 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
College is.... overwhelming
I actually really do like college -I mean where it's going to take me and all-and in general I do like my classes. But let me be honest... it's overwhelming. It's necessarily that it's even become difficult yet, but I return home feeling too tired to get into anything major. Hence why the blog has been a bit quiet, and also why it took me till today to add Laura in so she can fix the pages on the blog. (If you haven't noticed, they're not working for some reason).
So I promise I haven't forgotten about you guys. I'm just trying to get on my feet again. I can't even remember the last time I sat down and wrote something coherent... and that kills me. So while I'd love to update you all, I do have class shortly. Just wanted to give you a quick FYI, but I'll be back later on.
Before I go, thank you again to those of you who have been buying Cursed With Power. Can't wait to see what's happening with sales! And that signing in November is so far away yet right around the corner. (Yeah right.... it's not anywhere close.)
And ladies... Alaire sends his love.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 7:17 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Told myself I wouldn't cry... but I did
For the longest time I have been reading other authors' blogs. It's always so fascinating to hear authors talk about their reactions when they finally had the first hard copy of their book in their hands. You can almost feel the excitement with them -like wow, it finally happened! Today I'd like to share my experience with you.
Now unfortunately this is two days late, but I've been exhausted and was finally able to drag myself to the computer this morning.
Two days ago my copies of Cursed With Power finally arrived at my doorstep! Needless to say, I've been taking pictures and sharing other readers' pictures. So excuse the lack of words, but first let me share some pictures...
I don't think it struck me at first. I was looking at the copies inside the box and it just didn't seem to register in my brain. The books were there in front of me, but I couldn't grasp it. Then later that night I opened the book and looked at the first chapter and it suddenly hit home. I got teary eyed, and believe me I told myself I wouldn't cry. But it was finally real, you know? Seeing the paragraphs finally on paper... it seemed so surreal. To be honest, every author deserves to know that feeling.
Ironically enough, my friend in Michigan actually got his copy before me. (Of course he sent a picture to rub it in lol.) So it seems Cursed With Power has already began a journey of it's own. From the printer in South Carolina, to Michigan, to Maryland.... the journey has started!
This is the one in Michigan!
Several pictures have been sent in, but a lot of readers are still waiting for their copies. I'm hoping you guys get yours soon, and remember that when you do send in your pictures!
Hopefully I'll be back later on tonight, but if not I'll be returning on Sunday night or Monday morning to tell you about the open mic I'm attending this Sunday. It's in Baltimore, and I'll be a featured reader! Bringing to life CWP in Baltimore... I'll see you there.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 8:37 AM 4 comments
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Story behind "In the darkness they are flames. In the daylight they are shadows."
Glad you asked.
Now it is true that "in the darkness we are flames, in the daylight we are shadows" is actually a quote directly from the book. However, originally it wasn't a quote and actually started out as just an idea I had. The idea of society viewing Dark magicians as "flames" and "shadows" elaborates more of what the story is about. I don't want to give away anything of course, but anyways, I also feel like this pitch line can be interpreted on your own. One person may see it as how society views Dark magicians while another might see it as how the Dark magicians view themselves. In my own, that's the kind of pitch that works out for both the author and readers... it interests you, it keeps you guessing, it allows you to ask the questions and read the book to uncover the answers.
I realize this was a very short post.... But that's because my next post after this is about writing the sequel!
Lindsey R. Sablowski
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 8:23 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Casting for Cursed With Power!
We all have those moments in our life where whether we wanted to admit it or not, as writers we imagined the "dream cast" for our books. Today, upon request, I'd like to talk about the dream cast for Cursed With Power. See who made it to the list, and then leave a comment with what you think. Have someone who would better fit the role? Feel free to share!
Katie McGrath as Celestria Hale
While Katie doesn't have red hair, she could easily dye it and play an excellent role as Celestria. I've seen her in Merlin, and while I know she's a new actress, she does show a lot of potential. Not to mention, have you seen the dresses she wears on the show? She always looks gorgeous! What really draws me toward her is the fact that on the show she acts like an "innocent" lady when she's really conflicted and twisted. Who's to say she couldn't pull off being Celestria?
Johnathon Rhyes Meyers as Leal Irvine
You might recognize Johnathon from The Tutors, and while I don't imagine anyone actually approves of his role on the show, he does it quite well. He's young enough that he could branch out to new movies/shows, and what's not to love with that face? A handsome guy to place the mysterious Leal... sounds perfect.
Ben Barnes as Alaire Sencler
From Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian to Dorian Gray, Ben Barnes has definitely matured. I suppose in some ways he's still a bit "new" to it all, since he hasn't been in anything (that I can think of) that brought out more attention for him (besides Narnia). Who knows, though, he may just be the right guy to play as Alaire. Plus in case you didn't know he's actually 31 years old! We don't have to be worried that he'll look to "young" for Alaire's part.
Jennifer Lawrence as Dyanna Hale
This is why we call it the "dream cast" because we all know that after Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence is probably going to be living the life in Hollywood. Either way, I actually thought of her before she was involved in Hunger Games. When it comes to Dyanna, we won't be seeing Jennifer's brunette hair... We want to see her blonde!
Joseph Morgan as Aldemund
Most of you are probably most familiar with Joseph from The Vampire Diaries as Klaus. Again, he's actually older than he looks (also 31), so he is right where we want him to be for Aldemund. Plus he has the dirty blonde hair, and with the long style... he'd be set! Have you seen the guy on TVD? He's creepy and demented... And we're not looking for a sweet guy to play Aldemund. We may have already found him.
Those are primarily all of the main characters I wanted to note for now. Of course there are other characters I could have mentioned, but since I have a latte this morning I'm wide awake and feeling inspired to write more of Punished With Destiny. Hope you enjoyed this!
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 7:18 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Amazon, giveaways, and local readings!
US paperback
US Kindle
I'll post the links to the UK versions when I come back later on.
Besides that, yes I did order both business cards and bookmarks. The bookmarks were just ordered, so we're waiting on those... But I do have a surprise for Alaire fans. I won't say just yet -hence the "surprise"-but I'm hoping you'll enjoy it! Definitely giveaway material!
Now before I rush over to my next class -time flies by!-I'll also let you in on one more secret... I've been finding places where I can read excerpts from Cursed With Power. Conveniently enough they're all in the Baltimore area, which is nearby for me, family, and friends (seeing as we all live in Maryland). Should I choose to attend these events, I will be posting the information on here as well as on my official website. For those of you who don't live in Maryland, I realize you won't be able to make it -but I'll ask my friends to get pictures or video and I'll post it up!
Oh and lastly before I go, guess what someone bought these week (not me; a friend):
Remember to send in pictures when your book arrives!
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 7:28 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 6, 2012
NEW RELEASE: Cursed With Power
Where can you buy the book? I've got all the details -so don't leave just yet!
- CWP is now actively for sale on Old Line Publishing's website.
- There's a 2-4 day wait before the e-book format releases... so we're almost there!
- In the next 5-6 days it will be available on Amazon (worldwide!); keep checking their site daily, but I'll post the link as soon as I have it.
- In 3-4 weeks it will be available on Barnes & Noble; again, I'll post that link as soon as I have it
- Walk into your local bookstore and request a copy (it can be ordered directly through my publisher even if they're not stocking it in stores)
- Goodreads -it's not up yet, but it should be there as soon as B&N has entered in the data; share your review of the book
- Barnes & Noble
- Amazon
- Facebook -like CWP's page and tag the book in your posts relating to it
- Twitter -hastag #CursedWithPowerRelease or #CursedWithPower
- Blogger -if you read the book and want to share your review, why not do it on your blog?
- Whatever else I forgot!
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Countdown: 2 days until the decision
There's something I want to share tonight that I actually haven't talked about yet. Before Old Line Publishing found an interest in Cursed With Power, you may remember I was seriously considering self-publishing. There's something I learned from other self-published authors that I don't think I'll ever forget...
No matter who your publisher is, you have to be certain this is the book you are willing to stand or fall with.
And I am very pleased to say that I am willing to risk it all with CWP because this honestly is the book I have fallen in love with writing and the one I hope readers fall in love with reading. (See what I did there?)
If you want to keep things interesting, feel free to join other fans and potential readers on Twitter supporting the release. Remember all you have to do is use the hashtag #CursedWithPowerRelease
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 9:02 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Countdown: 3 days until the rivalry
For those of you who have already pre-ordered the book, I am just as excited as you are to have the book arrive at my doorstep! If you haven't pre-ordered, though, don't worry there's still time: go pre-order! When you pre-order that also means I'll be signing your book... There's your motivation. I've done my job... Do I get paid now? *sarcasm*
If you follow me on Twitter, you may have realized my tweets are all relating to: college, my cat, Cursed With Power, and promotional material that I create throughout the day. I won't lie... I love creating little promo material -such as the countdown pictures (as seen above) that I change with each passing day. There's something very satisfying about it. And if I'm the only person who does it... Then I'm sorry that I'm weird -it's part of the job.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Countdown: 5 days until the secrets
- Leal's name means "loyal." Something interesting to remember when you read the book... The question is: where does his loyalty lay?
- In the first version of the book Wilhem's wife had a short role in the book. This was taken out and never returned upon publication.
- Each book in the series (there are five in total) are told from a different Dark magician's perspective.
- Alaire's cross necklace wasn't added in until later on... And during the later versions of the book (including upon publication) the significance of his necklace was finally revealed.
- The first cover ever made for Cursed With Power was actually what inspired Celestria's physical appearance (red hair, green eyes, etc.)
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 7:37 PM 0 comments