It's a snow day here in Maryland, and since I have the day off from work I decided to spend the extra time I have working more on my upcoming book. I'm expecting to hit 60k either tonight or tomorrow night, and with that in mind I've realized that I am nearing the end of the book. Already I am writing myself notes of what needs to happen for the book to reach its end. Alaire's journey has been a lot of fun for me; at the book I admit it was stressful and difficult to push through, but now I have the voice down and am writing easily. Cursed With Power was approximately 80k, Shadows and Embers finished at 90k, and this third book could go either way. I expect to go over my goal of 70k, but as to whether book #3 will be longer than the second book or slightly shorter I cannot determine at this point.
It's a new year, and as promised I am working hard to make one of my resolutions come true. The sooner that I complete writing Thicker Than Blood the sooner I can begin editing and revising. Once edits begin that brings me one more step closer to publication, which I am so eager to start focusing on. Baby steps, baby steps...
There's a lot I have learned about Alaire from writing this book, and as I near the end I see that I know him now much better than I did four years ago when I first came up with his name and created him as a character. The exciting part about seeing the end in sight is knowing that I will have another book to release this year, and then I can begin working on book #4. At nearly 60k I am on chapter 21 and looking toward the end, preparing to tie together loose ends, answers questions, and leave the readers eager to find out more in the fourth installment to the series.
So what can you expect as I progress to the end?
Well, so far I have not shared any quotes from this book, and I am planning on choosing some of my favorites and sharing those. There will be more posts about Alaire, definitely excerpts or teasers once I am in the editing process, and much more. Whether you've read the first two books or not, there will be plenty of ways for you to become involved with this third one without spoiling anything from the past or future of where the series is headed. This series has a lot to look forward to, and as I have said times before Alaire's story is not the end. There are two more books expected to release after this, and it's all a matter of me sitting down and writing them. I enjoy each one of these books, spend as much time as I can with each character to know them as well as the last one. I don't have to say goodbye to Alaire yet, but I encourage you to stay with me as we venture to the end. I'll share fun facts about the game, ask your opinion, and hopefully have you wondering what's next.
Alaire was Celestria's hero, and now it is time for him to be the hero of his own story. Check back in soon as we dive in for a closer look into Thicker Than Blood. Until then, enjoy the snow!
Lindsey R. Sablowski