Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bloodline Inheritance Cover Reveal

Happy cover reveal day to Bloodline Inheritance! The wait for this cover has felt so long, and I am so thrilled to finally be sharing the official cover. You can also check it out and add it to your read list on Goodreads. While today might not be release day it's still a big day for the series. This book will end the Magicians series, and Dyanna is the one who will be sharing the final adventure with us. Some of you have been here since the very beginning. Several of you have been a part of every cover reveal and release party.
As for the designer behind this beautiful cover, I have Christa Holland at Paper & Sage Design to thank. She designs both premade and custom book covers, both of which I highly recommend. Christa was such a pleasure to work with, and she helped me make this cover fit perfectly for Bloodline Inheritance. I will definitely be using her services again for my future projects!
Without further ado let's step into Dyanna's world and meet her.
Book title: Bloodline Inheritance
Series: The Magicians series, #4
Author: Lindsey R. Sablowski
Genre: Fantasy
Age Group: New Adult  

Official summary:
Dyanna Carpathia has been a runner her entire life. A handsome man offers her love and a new beginning, but the war could change everything. Now her dreams of leaving behind magic and living as a human seem unrealistic. The magical war demands strength and focus, but Dyanna is haunted by a dark secret. Who will save her from a potential downfall?
Nearby on the battlefield is Malin Petrescu, a survivor who views Dyanna as a potential threat. They share different opinions on the magical world and the future. Marrying the love of his life demands him to fight no matter the consequences. However, victory means defeating their greatest enemy, Christopher. Dyanna's loyalty is tested, but can she and Malin set aside their difference to save their loved ones?
In the fourth and final installment to the Magicians series we witness the war and the aftermath. This is the last stand for the Dark magicians, and for some it will cost them everything.

Release Date: July 25th * 
There has been a lot of people asking when the book will release, and I've decided July will be the perfect time. This seems to be a common month for me to release books. This date will only change if I run into any majors issues in which then the book would release in August. I'll keep you updated!

“Kill her,” he said.
She shook her head fiercely and whispered, “Please don’t. Please… I will surrender, but please have mercy.”
Her eyes were wide, and she winced from the pain the orbs had caused. They struck the body like daggers, but they were not lethal. She could live, though she would require a lengthy recovery. I held the shard and debated the options in my head. Malin still stood behind me, whispering to end her life. Tears streamed down Jacquette’s face, and for the first time she did not look like a threat. She was a woman like myself, one who had left Dark magic. Had I fallen for a man like Christopher I would be in her exact position, but instead we were on opposite sides. She once had the respect and love from Malin and the others in Destin. Now she laid on the ground entirely defenseless. I knelt down and grabbed the dagger from her hand, but she continued to beg for mercy. How many times could I kill someone before I became a monster? Malin wanted me to kill her, but the more I looked at her the more she reminded me of myself.
“I’ll do it myself,” Malin grumbled, withdrawing his sword. He raised it in the air, but I quickly threw my body over top of Jacquette’s. She groaned, but without my body over hers I doubted I could stop Malin.
He glared at me. “Move out of the way, Dyanna! If you were in her position she would have killed you. Don’t make me choose.”
The Magicians series: Cursed With Power
. Shadows and Embers . Thicker Than Blood . Bloodline Inheritance
I hope everyone will join me today in celebrating the cover reveal. Remember you can share the news on social media using the hashtag #BloodlineInheritanceCoverReveal. Thank you to everyone who made today possible! 
Lindsey R. Sablowski

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

2 days until Cover Reveal

The beginning, the end, and the aftermath. The wait for the cover reveal has kept me at the edge of my seat this entire month. Knowing that on Saturday the cover will go live has me feeling both excited and nervous. I honestly can't wait for you guys to see how it turned out and hear your thoughts.
With the cover reveal also means there will be a teaser floating around as well. This time I didn't have as difficult of time choosing the teaser, and I hope everyone will enjoy it. I have been working hard on the proof, reading through carefully to make sure everything is there. There's definitely a lot of work ahead, but don't worry we'll be at release day before you know it.

The craziest part is that by Saturday there will be four covers all lined up -making the series complete. We really are almost at the end of the journey for the magicians, but there's still so much I cannot wait to show you with the release of Bloodline Inheritance. Ever since I received the cover I've been preparing promotional material and more. Oh, and not to mention I need to prepare for the release party... which I actually haven't done yet.

What do you think the cover will look like for the upcoming release? Are you ready to meet Dyanna and step into her world? I can't wait to see how everyone shares the cover reveal come Saturday, and even though this was a short post... just you wait! Saturday is quickly approaching, and I have a lot to share with you then! In the meantime keep an eye out... who knows maybe I'll be starting on that new story I've been thinking about. And maybe I'll post a few pages of it on Wattpad... but I can't say for certain yet.
Lindsey R. Sablowski

Sunday, June 14, 2015

12 days until Cover Reveal

I've been watching the countdown, and it blows me away that there are only 12 more days until the cover reveal. I'll be sending out an email to everyone who has signed up, and if you haven't there's still time. Please sign up before June 27th so I can send you all the materials you'll need. Remember if you can't participate on the 27th, any day after that also works. This is very exciting because I think this might be our biggest cover reveal yet. Definitely counting on you guys to make this one amazing -as you always do.

Since I decided on the cover reveal date so much has happened. I have the official files for the book cover, and it's beautiful. A huge shout out to Paper & Sage Design for the amazing work done on the cover. They'll also be including the cover on their website a few days after the big reveal, and I will share the link once it's up. I'm excited for June 27th to see the cover being spread around on social media. Only 12 more days!
Also, I've received the proof for Bloodline Inheritance. I am currently reading through it carefully, as there are a few things I've wanted to add in at the last minute. There was also a minor interior issue that I fixed. This is why proofs help me out so much; you can really see any little errors on paperback. I'll be posting what the book looks like on cover reveal day, which should be very close to how it will look when the book releases.
The cover reveal has definitely kept me busy, and I already most of my updated graphics ready to be uploaded on my blog and so forth. In the meantime the book is up on Goodreads if you want to add it to your reading list.
I realize this was a short update, but keep an eye on that countdown. The big day is almost here, and I'll definitely have a lot to share with you then. For more daily updates don't forget to check on my Instagram, as I upload on there almost every day (or two). If you're excited about the cover reveal and want to share in on social media... The hashtag is #BloodlineInheritanceCoverReveal.
Lindsey R. Sablowski

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Bloodline Inheritance on Goodreads

June 27th, cover reveal day, is slowly creeping up on me. It's only 19 days away actually, and I've been working hard to find more blogs and people to participate in this event. When it comes to cover reveals, Goodreads is one of the first places I upload the official cover. Then Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and every other social media site.
Bloodline Inheritance is now up on Goodreads along with its official synopsis. I've updated it since I last shared it, and I'll also have it updated on my Books page here on the blog. This means you can now add the book to your "want to read" list -remember it's going to be a summer book. You can also recommend it to friends, so they can check out the book and the series as a whole.
Little by little this book is finally come to life. I know I have a lot of work ahead of me. The cover reveal is only the beginning, and then I have to plan the release party and so forth. I'm waiting on the official files to be sent over to me so I can order my proof and get that ready. It's definitely a lot of work, but I'm excited because it means we're that much closer to release day. Release day is happening at the end of July unless a meteor strikes my house... or I run into a huge error that can't be easily fixed.

Please remember to share the Goodreads link with your friends, and while you wait another 19 days don't forget... Sign up for the reveal! I always tell people who ask about it that you can sign up even if you might only share on Twitter and Facebook. I have a lot planned for that day, and I'm already setting up the emails and the document with everything you'll need for reveal day. Some days I never thought we would finally make it here, but here we are. Thank you again for all the support, and don't forget to watch the countdown
Lindsey R. Sablowski

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Bloodline Inheritance: Cover Reveal Sign Up

As promised it's time for the cover reveal sign up. I am very excited about this weekend, especially since the cover for Bloodline Inheritance will finally come to life. I also can't wait to share it, and if you participate in the cover reveal you will see it before anyone else!
The official cover reveal will be on Saturday, June 27th. I chose this because I wanted to make sure we had more than enough time to allow people to sign up. The last cover reveal for Thicker Than Blood went amazingly well, and I would love if this one was even bigger. The sign up form is now live for you to fill in with the necessary details. I will need your email address as I will be sending you the materials days in advance to the reveal date. As always I encourage you to share it on as many websites as possible. While this is the end of the Magicians series, we want new readers to be able to start the journey as well. 

Now for a journey through time, here's links to the previous cover reveals. It's hard to believe this will be the last one for the series.
As we've talked about previously there has been a pattern with the cover designs. (At first not at all intentional!) Without giving away too much, I can reveal that this final cover completes the pattern. I will have the cover most likely by tomorrow morning. From the preview I've seen of it I'm very excited -and hope you are too! As always I'll be setting up a countdown for the cover reveal, as well as one for release day. I will share the release date with cover reveal participants, and we will also be sharing that on June 27th. However, this does mean for certain that Bloodline Inheritance will not release until July. Looks like it will be a summer book -just in time too!
If you've signed up in the past for the TTB cover reveal, I will contact you this week. Otherwise please don't forget to sign up. The best part of the cover reveal is the people who participate. Deanna's story has definitely been a long process, but this is where the fun begins. Hope you'll join me in welcoming Dyanna's story... and the end of the Magicians series. 
Fill out the form and also share with any friends who might be interested.

Update: As of June 5th I have received the proof of the book cover. I've approved it, and I will receive the official files of the cover shortly. I am so thrilled for this cover reveal -it truthfully looks amazing! It's stunning, and I can't wait to share it with you. Be sure to sign up to be part of the magic. Thanks so much for all the support!
Lindsey R. Sablowski

Monday, June 1, 2015

This month... Cover reveal month!

My fiancé casually reminded me this morning that we are officially in June. Wait... where did spring go? How did the last few months fly by? Well, June has definitely been a busy month for me in the past two years. As Timehop so kindly reminded me, July seems to be a popular release time for my books. Both Shadows and Embers and Thicker Than Blood released in July -and they're coming up on their anniversaries! With that in mind I've been working like a mad lady to ensure Bloodline Inheritance releases hopefully before TTB did last year. Otherwise I will feel bad because that will mean it took me an entire year to release this final book in the series. (Have no fear, the wait is worth it!)
There's more to this list than mentioned.
So to start off this crazy month right, this week I will be purchasing my book cover. I know I've been teasing about this book cover for what seems like forever. At last I've found a cover I am in love with -just ask people I've spoken to in the past fews days. It's been the constant thought in my mind, and I am so happy that this week the cover will be mine. It will finally be here, and I can plan out the cover reveal. 
Especially with this being the last book in the series there are a lot of big plans in the making. Besides the cover reveal upcoming (this month) there will be a countdown and more happening while I approve the paperback and ebook formats. Let's hope it all goes smoothly and there are no delays. My ideal goal is for the cover reveal to be this month, and upon the reveal day I (along with your help) can announce the release date for the book. The date would only change if there was any format issue that I run into -especially in regards to the ebook (since that one is always tricky).
How do I sign up for the cover reveal?
I love when people want to participate and help the series out. Cover reveals are only the beginning, but together we can spread the word about Bloodline Inheritance and the series as a whole. Once I have the book cover (this week!) I will set up a form and post it up on the blog. If you already participated in the past with TTB and answered "yes" for future reveals, I already have your contact info. If not, I will post it up ASAP so you can fill it out with your preferences. Again this might take a few days for me to set up, and I do want to wait and let responses come in. Definitely keep checking in on Twitter, as I will announce when I receive the book cover. More to come very soon!

Now before we come to an end with this post, I have one last announcement...
I've had MailChimp for awhile now, and recently a fellow author friend reminded me about it. I would love to send out a newsletter -probably one every 1-2 months depending on what's happening. This newsletter would include news on the Magicians series, upcoming releases, first looks at book covers and teasers, etc. I have so many ideas, and I would love to make an engaging newsletter for fans and followers. It would be like an insider's club -you see what I might not post on the blog, or you'll at least see it before anyone else. You will also be able to submit requests on what you want to read about. Character insights, location choices, name selection, the publishing process... Oh, and new book ideas that aren't official! 
In the end it's up to you, and before I get too excited and create one... I need your help! Go on over and let me know what you think. Do you want to receive monthly newsletters? Be sure to vote, and I will tally up the votes throughout the week. If enough people seem interested I will launch it!

Lots of exciting things happening this month and next. Stay tuned!
Lindsey R. Sablowski