Thursday, September 30, 2010
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 2:39 PM 4 comments
Labels: new life, premier of new life
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Ooh, it's something new...!
Like it? Love it? Hate it? Don't care?
This is the cover that I'll now be using for the book, thus why changes have been made to the book's page and to the place on this blog where I am promoting the book.
Later on today when you visit the blog....
New Life's premier will be *hopefully* posted up. This premier will NOT give away anything that happened in Cursed with Power, so do not worry that you won't be able to read it because you actually can.
I do not know what will be in the premier yet or what it will be like, but what I'm working towards is coming up with something that will let you see into the book and get excited about it. Even if you haven't read Cursed with Power, I am hoping the post and promotion for the book will get you interested and make you curious.
Just remember, though, you may have to wait a while before you can set your curiosity to ease because New Life is after Cursed with Power and thus it won't be written until I finish with Cursed with Power.
And I even put this all in blue color text because not only is it my favorite color, but I generally associate the MC in New Life with the color blue. Why? Shhh, that's a secret! Just kidding, but I shall not be answering that just yet for you.
Other stuff to bring up....
I feel like putting this in purple just for the heck of it, so sorry if I'm having a bit too much fun with changing font color at the moment. It's just something different to do and I'm hoping the different color will make you totally interested in what this long post is about. Lol, did it work?
I've been getting a lot of comments on Cursed with Power. (Who's excited?! I AM!) The comments that have really surprised me is apparently a lot of girls who are reading the book are saying, "I love Leal's character". (Sorry for not entering in the accent, but I do not feel like pulling up Word just so I can copy and paste so please forgive me.) Not even kidding, one fan said her favorite character from a book on inkpop is Leal from Cursed with Power, and I was shocked. Of all the characters in all the books, she picked Leal! *screams in excitement* *dies* It's seriously that amazing.
A fan said about Leal...
I totally picture Le`al hot! Yes, he isheisheisheis!!!!!
So yes, that was definitely interesting for me and it was also great to hear because I love hearing from fans and readers what they have enjoyed that is in my book. I've always really liked working with Leal's character just because I find him to have a humorous manner about himself and everything in general, but I thought that was just me. I'm not saying I don't like Celestria's character, but when it comes to who is my favorite character in Cursed with Power that I've been working with... I'd say it would have to be Leal. Apparently my fans agree with that... (It's a small world after all.)
Cursed with Power is at 573 in ranking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who ever saw that coming? I certainly did not; after five months it's finally in the 600s. So how many more months until I get into the top five.... I think it's going to be a lot. <-----As you can tell I've really calculated this all out. *sarcasm*
Ohhhhh well, I'm still really HAPPY about where this book is getting.
Let's talk about researching/writing/editing....
While I'm ranting on about whoknowswhat I thought I might as well lightly touch on the subject of everything I'm doing with my book.
Researching is going.... all right. I still have yet to find a historian --or historians-to perhaps help me out a bit more.
Writing and editing.... is going GOOD. I'm really writing away and I love posting up the new material now because of where my book has been going. Every time I have something new everybody who really follows my book gets into it and says "I'll go check it out".
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 1:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: cursed with power, cursed with power new cover, new life, premier of new life
Friday, September 24, 2010
New Life *coming soon*
While yes there are some matters that I have to attend to, it's not as if I have completely thrown all my writing aside and said I've had enough with it. Since writing is my passion I could never do that, but I am aware it's been a while since I've posted about something to do with one of my projects or etc.
Well everybody, I still want to post up the teaser/premier of New Life, book 2 in the Magicians series. I know some of you will read it if I post it up and honestly I need to hear your opinions on it. Sometimes I cannot find the motivation to write again until someone gives me positive feedback and encouragement. Hence why I'll post it on here at *hopefully* the end of the month.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 3:24 PM 0 comments
Labels: new life, premier of new life
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Find Lindsey
Don't worry everyone, I am still here and still alive and well. I know it's been a while --or maybe it seems like it's been forever--since I've posted on the blog. I do sincerely apologize to those of you who are such avid followers.
For now all I'm going to say is something happened and I'm waiting to find out why it has and if it can be fixed. When matters get better --and hopefully soon--I'll post again and let you know.
(Don't misunderstand and take this as a notice of me not blogging until this passes over, but just understand why I won't be blogging as often during this difficult time I'm having). Thanks for your ongoing support.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
OMG guess what's here?!?!? Guess what, guess what, guess what?
I guess the picture kind of gives it away, but yes finally Innocent & Young has been published online at the Teen Inkst Magazine.
Happy? Excited? I am too!
And if your emotions are none that I have mentioned I'm sorry this post may not hold much interest to you. I try to be exciting; really, I do.
All you wonderful people out there, I have the link for you to read the story on the magazine's website. Now, a lot of people have asked me, "Is this a short story?" Technically this is a short story, but my parents always tell me that my short stories are "long enough to be in a book". Hey, maybe that's why I'm making Innocent & Young into a book! Ha ha, oh well.
Either you love it or hate it, but there's really only one way to decide for certain.
Read it here.
Thanks so much to everyone who has supported me with my books and other projects. All of you who do everyday, when you can, or just once in a while. It means the world to me and you inspire me to continue writing. THANK YOU once again!
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 3:15 PM 1 comments
Labels: innocent and young, magazine
Monday, September 20, 2010
Updates anyone?
Would anybody like to be on a mailing list for updates? If you went on the list you'd be updated about Cursed with Power. Updates wouldn't overwhelm you to the point where you can't see anymore and they also wouldn't be short and pointless.
If anyone's really interested please let me know. Otherwise it's just updates on here I suppose I'll do.
UPDATE: Chapter one was rewritten.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 1:55 PM 0 comments
Labels: cursed with power
It was so amazing it blew away my mind.
I just recently bought Tokio Hotel's "Humanoid City live" cd and dvd. How amazing was it? On a scale from 1 to 10 --1 be terrible and 10 being the best--I give it a 20. THIS. WAS. AMAZING. THIS. IS. AMAZING.
This post does seem a bit odd for me to do because usually I stay focused on the writing topic, but after I bought this cd on Saturday and watched the concert two times --going on three lol-- I decided I had to tell all my wonderful followers out there about this cd.
Tokio Hotel proved they're amazing talent with this concert. If you thought they sounded good in general, you'll be blown away by how they sound live. I entirely loved this cd & dvd. It was so great that even my sister watched the concert with me, and I can honestly tell you she doesn't like my "kind" of music.
Any TH fans out there? I hope someone can relate to this --it was amazing!
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: humanoid city, tokio hotel
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Tomorrow Innocent & Young will finally be published online on Teen Inkst Magazine.
I'M SO EXCITED! Aren't you? It's exciting; really it is, and if you're are a writer you can understand why without me having to explain.
I'll post the link when I have it.
P.S. Like my new blog signature? Isn't it so pretty? lol
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 4:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: innocent and young
A Moment Began Love *new cover*
Nothing was wrong in Gwynn's life... until her husband was chosen for her.
When Gwynn's parents chose her husband for her she no longer felt free. His name was Daniel Greggs and he was a baron. Without saying much of anything he made it very clear that he had no feelings for her.
Gwynn escapes from her family and Daniel as often as possible. She goes into the town, which her family was always so isolated from. There she meets a man... Neil. They fall in love instantly, but Gwynn's parents want her to be with Daniel despite her true feelings.
Should hse obey her parents and forget her feelings, or should she be with Neil even if it means going against society's rules? Will she listen to what her heart is telling her?
*Cover made by MacKenzie Cast
Want to read it? Read it here.

Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Labels: a moment began love
Certain Fate prologue PUBLIC
I've got exciting news for any of you out there who like reading new material of mine.
I wrote a prologue for Certain Fate and it's public on inkpop. I've entered it in as a short story because the rest of the story is not at 10,000 words yet. It's close to it, but you know how that won't happen in one day --or night for that matter.
You can read the prologue and tell me what you think. I realize what happens in the prologue is rather shocking, but if you think that's shocking you'll want to read the rest of the story because it gets better --or so I think.
Interested? Read it here.
And if you really, really beg me to I'll consider posting it here on the blog for you guys to view.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 2:30 PM 1 comments
Labels: certain fate, certain fate prologue
Prologue revised
I rewrote the prologue to Cursed with Power. Check it out because it's a lot different, or I think so at least. The prologue is only a letter, so it's not like if you read it you'll have to waste ten minutes of your life reading it.

Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 9:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: cursed with power
Saturday, September 18, 2010
I began researching for Cursed with Power. This time around I'm deciding an actual place to set the characters in and then the towns I can either keep made up or name whatever I wish. I'm trying to decide between Ireland or Romania. It's a hard choice, but when I have come to a decision I shall let you know.
While I thought I could keep the first three chapters and the prologue as they are, I am thinking now that is not the case. I may very well just have to rework it all.
Here's an idea of what I think I'll be doing, though. I'm going to get all the historical facts correct so it seems as real as ever that these characters are living in 1573. Then I'll add in all the fantasy elements. I think this way it will be more believable because it will have history coming into fantasy, and then maybe you'll even have more of a reason to think, "Yes, this could have happened." Like it?
I'll post again soon. And by the way, there's a new cover for Gracien's Staircase coming soon.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 8:04 AM 1 comments
Labels: cursed with power, revisions, updates
You're a writer; read this
It feels like it's been a while since I've blogged. Sorry about that, but I meant to do this yesterday and never got the chance.
I just found out about this website
If you're a writer I think you should definitely go there and check it out. Why you might ask? Well because professional journalist and soon-to-be published author Caleb Breakey has created a website where he brings writers of all ages and genres together so he can help promote writers' work.
What does it cost? NOTHING.
What do you have to do? Just following the guidelines.
What's next? Interview questions and then before you know it you're work will be displayed on his website and he'll post his interview with you.
Check out his website and afterwards spread the word to your writing friends. Happy writing everyone!
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 7:48 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
A Brighter Day Will Come *new cover*
The story of how a blind girl learned to see... without her eyes.
I don't remember much of what happened. I remember a great, brilliant flash of light, and then the next thing I knew I was lying in some kind of stiff bed. I couldn't remember what had happened. All I remembered was the flash. Had it been a car accident? I didn't know.
I know I opened my eyes, but when I did I saw nothing. It was dark. Completely dark.
*Cover made by zaka_ht
Interested in the story? Read it here.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 5:10 PM 0 comments
Labels: a brighter day will come
At last we are beginning on research in my independent research class. I'm so glad!
I don't have any new kind of news relating to Cursed with Power, but I will tell you that I'm observing the language used back in the 1500s and I'm working on advisors I'll need and so forth to complete this book the correct way. It's going to have some historical matters added into it, but mostly overall it will be focused on the fantasy events within the book.
Can't wait until I have more to tell!
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: cursed with power
The Secrets We Share *new cover*
Here's the new cover for The Secrets We Share, which was designed by Hexen.
The Secrets We Share is the 4th book in the Magicians series, so it's going to be a while before you see the summary of this book posted up.
Still, I like this new cover... I feel it works better with the book than the previous one --not that I hated that one or anything.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 4:58 PM 0 comments
Labels: new cover, the secrets we share
After Death *new cover*
He did not know there was more that could happen to him after he died.
Joshua knew what death was like. He had already died and now lived in the Underworld. He had thought he'd be able to rest once he died but he had been wrong. Now he served Hades and had little freedom.
Evelyn liked Greek legends where the impossible could happen. More than that she liked the idea of love and finding someone who could love her endlessly. However, the longer she was without a man the more she believed she would find the right man in her life.
She wanted love; he wanted freedom. Could they both get what they wanted? Was it dangerous to love a demon and try to save him? Would it be a sin to bring him out from the Underworld? When they meet....?
*Cover made by Aria313
Interested in reading the story? Read it here.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 3:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: after death
A Shimmering Moon *new cover*
The magical world is nothing like you were expecting...
"There are some things you cannot learn from advanced magic." Timothy said.
Selena hadn't entirely believed Timothy until she found out for herself. She had wanted to learn more about her magic --the magic of Moon; she yearned to know more about her powers.
Timothy had found her the right magician to teach her. His name was Bryant and he smart and patient. He was creative with teaching and knew a lot about the magical world.
There were two problems remaining... One, there were people in Bryant's town who didn't think too fondly of magic. And two, Bryant was a Water magician.
Now Selena will go on an adventure in which she learns the true meaning of friendship, the history behind magic, and what it really means to be a magician.
*Cover made by Jessica Wynn
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: a shimmering moon, new cover
Delay on Certain Fate cover
I know there were several of you who were commenting and telling me that you were really looking forward to seeing the new cover for Certain Fate that my friend is making for me.
However, the scenario has changed to "it was a cover my friend was going to make for me". Unfortunately things aren't going so well between us, I'm sorry to say. And I'm not going to bore you with details, but that is why there is a delay on the cover for now. I will not be asking someone else to do it for me because I had hoped my friend to make it, and it was going to be more meaningful if she did it.
I'll let you know when things change.
For now you could at the least comment and think of a way to get me smiling again? Possibly...?
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 3:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: certain fate
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Night Owl
I'd like to have the story public, but it is not at 10,000 words. You know you always think "Eh, that's not that many words", but when you need at least that it actually does seem hard to get to.
Thus, in case anyone is just dying to read this book --which would really surprise me--I am posting it as a short story on inkpop so you can check it out and decide for yourself if you want to read the book when one day I have too much free time to go back to.
No, honestly I do want to return to this book.... It's just... This book and I ran into a dead end when chapter three came about. Plus, have you seen all the new ideas I've came up with in the past many days, weeks, months, yada yada? A whole lot!
When will I get to this? Psh, I don't know. But at least you can read what I do have when I post it up after editing it. I'm editing after I finally FINISH Fight with a Heart. That story has to come before this, sorry to say, because it's for the contest.
Read the "short story" format of Night Owl here.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Super, awesome, amazing....
I know you must hate to realize that this is me coming back and saying "Hey, here's new covers" but that's seriously what I have to say here. I'm going to post up something else that is not just blah blah blah, but hold on. First, the new covers....
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 11:23 AM 1 comments
Labels: fake truth, night owl, writing saves your thoughts
Monday, September 13, 2010
I apologize if it seems lately my posts aren't all that long. Perhaps they just seem really short now, since lately I've been like "Hey a new cover!" and then go back to writing or whatnot.
However, I really will try to post more insightful --is that the right word....?--stuff besides just "this is a cover; here's a summary" and yada yada yada. It's just I've got school and homework and work and writing.... It's all so much! I'll catch up eventually.... Eventually...
And if I haven't commented on your blog in a while I also send a huge apology to you. I do mean to read what you guys have up on your blog; it's just a matter of finding the time as I switch between tabs.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 12:37 PM 1 comments
No Mist *different cover*
(This happened because I totally forgot I had already asked her first to make a cover).
Anyways, this is the new cover.
Hope you like it and I'll post again when I have more covers to talk about or I just have something else entirely random yet seemingly relevant to talk about.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 12:14 PM 1 comments
Labels: change of cover, no mist
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Forever Live the King *new cover*
All credit goes to Tracy Michelle for making this cover.
Another new cover for a different book or short story is coming soon.
Haven't read the story? Read it here.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 3:45 PM 1 comments
Labels: forever live the king, new cover
No Mist *new cover*
Haven't read the book?
It's about two elves who get involved in the journey for their life.
Read it here.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 2:48 PM 0 comments
Labels: a new cover oh boy, no mist
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Fight with a Heart *almost finished*
Fight with a Heart will probably be finished by tomorrow. I got six pages of this short story done today.
I promise to post a link as soon as the story is public; this is also going on writer's cafe for you to read if you're a member of that.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 3:27 PM 1 comments
Labels: fight with a heart, inkpop contest
A Moment of Silence
I want to start off this morning giving a moment of silence to all the men and women who lost their lives and risked their lives during the 9.11 attack.
Please do not forget this day. Have a moment of silence post on your blog in remembrance.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 8:58 AM 1 comments
Labels: september 11th
Friday, September 10, 2010
Cursed with Power *update*
It's already almost 10 at night, yet here I am posting on my blog of all things!
Honestly, I'm just blogging to let you know that I've just taken down several many chapters of Cursed with Power and I thought it was only appropriate of me to explain why.
As you know, I am researching a heck of a lot for Cursed with Power this year. Due to this, I would feel better and more comfortable knowing that people are reading chapters of my book that I've really worked away at instead of chapters that are kind of "iffy" if you know what I mean. Any of you who are writers --which is a lot of you, I'm sure--can understand this.
So I will post up more of the chapters, but here's how it is. I'm keeping the prologue and the first three chapters the same. Then after chapter three I'm starting anew. I'm going to be going into thick research and yada yada; this is all supposed to start next week. THUS, I think it will be much better for only several of the chapters to be up for now and then I post the rest as I come along with them.
You can still read the book at its usual location. Read it here.
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 6:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: cursed with power
Fight with a Heart
Leonard, though only a baron, somehow ends up fighting a magical creature called an Eld. By the time Alairnora finds out his lover's whereabouts his confrontation with the Eld is over. He is dead and the creature is still alive. A creature that looks like a stallion, yet has wings of flames and a body of smoke. It has never been defeated by humans, magicians, or even elves.
With her lover dead, Alairnora is ready to battle the Eld who has caused her pain. Perhaps by confronting the creature she can also confront her loss. The loss that still haunts her at night.
*Cover made by luvpoets
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 6:28 PM 0 comments
Labels: fight with a heart
New cover and hello it's been a while
Hello everybody! Sorry it's been a while, but you know how things have gotten hectic since summer's came to an end. So let's get on to the interesting stuff that you'll want to hear about --or that I at least hope you want to hear about.
A new cover
Haven't heard anything about Fight with a Heart yet? It's okay; my next post will be giving the summary of the story. I will hopefully be able to finish it before September 15th so I can enter it into the new inkpop contest. Keep your fingers crossed for me that I find the time to do that.
So I'm editing two stories at once for two writing friends of mine... It's craziness, I assure you; still, I mean I won't complain because I like being helpful when I can be.
Article & Stories for Teen Inkst
I've got to finish my article on Iraq by September 15th --hey, there's that date again.
Besides that, Teen Inkst has announced that all stories must be turned in by September 20th. Remember, this is also the date when Innocent & Young will be published and I'll be able to post up the link. The other two short stories I am planning --or more so hoping--to finish and submit are Now Rescue Me and Fight with a Heart. I shall keep you updated with my progress when I am able to, as I always try to.
Stuff going on with the blog
Is there anything I'm adding to the blog? Ummmmm, let me think............
I probably will add more to the side bar because you know how I love to decorate it with different covers for my books. I'm trying to figure out how I should organize the covers; if any one has any suggestions, let me know please.
Cursed with Power
There was something else, but now I've entirely forgotten:(
Oh well, I guess that's all for now. I'm posting about Fight with a Heart next. Keep following to read more and whatever I say. Always feel free to comment requesting me to blog about anything.

Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 6:17 PM 0 comments
Labels: a new cover oh boy, cursed with power, fight with a heart, now rescue me