Amanda has informed me that the layout for the blog is almost complete. I am thrilled and cannot barely wait.
The PROMOTION CONTEST has officially ended. Tessa Faith was the only one who entered--um where were my other supporters--and hence that makes her the winner. Congrats Tessa!
Tessa you have won...The opportunity to GUEST BLOG on the Magicians series blog. Once it goes public you can guest blog for whatever day you would like. Please just email me and let me know when would be the best time for you, and also give me a headsups as to what you'll be posting about on the blog --seeing as it has to be relative to the book(s) and the series in general.
BE THERE FOR THE MAGIC. Not even kidding, Amanda has done a spectacular job on the blog layout so far and I do believe that once she has the final product ready we will all just be staring in awe. (Or at least I know that's what I'm going to do.) There is so much I'm already thinkign about posting on the blog, and of course every day new thoughts come into my mind. Working on the Magicians series has been something new, challenging, and exciting for me to do. I am constantly working on Cursed with Power --just ask my friends what I do during free time in classes--and I love that I can share my progress with a group of people....being you guys.
THANK YOUS to every single one of you who answered the survey, entered in the contest, continue to comment about the new blog, and/or have read Cursed with Power. While I cannot thank all of you individually, there are a few individuals who I just have to mention in this post because they've gone beyond what I've ever expected from somebody.
After some individuals I posted pictures because I tired to make this post more interesting and because I thought the pictures just went with the person.
Tessie, one of my best friends: Tess, I never thought I could cry and laugh at the same time for mere proved me wrong. You're awesome, girlfriend, and don't let anybody ever tell you different. (If they do put them on our hit list lol). I love the energy and interest you put towards what I do, and better yet you've never once acted like you could care less. I hope we can continue to make each other laugh hysterically, even though no one else will understand us. Ooh sorry I forgot...let me add in this last part just so you can laugh: Would die without youuu. Wuvvvv you cuz you're spectacuraly --new word, hello!--amazzinggg. And did I mention I wuvvv you?<3 (I tried to do like what you did on my survey but epically failed. Well...I attempted at least....)
Gabby, an awesome person you wish you knew: I apologize in advance if you feel your paragraph should be longer, but you know what? You can get over it. Haha just kidding. I know it's been a while since you've "read" --skimmed over *cough cough*--Cursed with Power, but hey you're one of the awesomest people I know and darn straight I'm going to mention you here. And besides, where would I be without you sending me Final Fantasy machinima videos? Besties:) (Now get down on your knees....Wrong answer! Hahaha)
My family: You guys only have to know I'm writing practically every day of your life. Thanks for being patient and staying calm, even though we all know I lie when I say, 'I'm just finishing a paragraph." Thanks for loving all that I do and believing I can get somewhere with my writing.
Tessa Faith: Probably my #1 fan for Cursed with Power. Thanks, Tessa, for always being there for me and encouraging me to keep going. You always support me, and without your promoting of my book only God knows where it'd be right now in terms of ranking. You motivate me to do my best, and it means a lot to me when you say Cursed with Power is your favorite book on inkpop and that it's gotten better since the original version. I cannot imagine your reaction when this book one day gets published.
Mia: It seems like you, Tessa, and several other people will have to fight over who gets the first copy of Cursed with Power when it gets published. I only will say your copy will have that post it note for you, but other than that I cannot help itif other people try to race you to the book. Thanks for having been an online buddy of mine for so long, and I am always happy that you want to have seven different conversations with me through email.
Annie: It wasn't until you and Pslams commented about Leal that I realized the effect he could have on the reader in Cursed with Power. I honestly laughed my head off when I read your comments about him --by comments I mean what both you and Pslams said. I never knew Leal was this hot guy everybody loved to death until then. More to the point, though, you continue to show your support and I'm lucky to have you as a fan.
Amanda: Here's the girl who's making the Magicians series blog come to LIFE! I just had to thank you, Amanda, because even though the blog isn't public yet Ijust know already I'm going to die a little when I see the final layout because it's going to be that amazing. Thank you.
Julie Musil: You're an inspiration, Julie, and your blog is wonderful. I'm pretty sure every writing can relate to what you bring up. Thank you for responding to me when I send those group emails where I ramble on about the blog being up, and more to the point thanks for just being here for me. I wish you the best of luck in getting published soon.
Kelly Breakey: I absolutely adore your blog to no end because you bring up the most simplest matters that I can actually comment on because I've come close to similar experiences. Thanks for offering to be a virtual shoulder, especially a while back when my world seemed to be falling apart around me.
Laura: You better keep The Assassin in the top five;) I think it's evident what I have to say for you. I'm pretty sure Write Here would be beyond how empty it is now if it wasn't for you. Glad to know you and really glad we can share ideas with one another. Keep writing; you've got talent.
YOU: Yes, YOU. You, the one who is reading this post right now and wondering "when is she ever going to shut up and just move on"? Thank you for taking the time to read my post, and more importantly thank you for supporting me. (I feel like I'm using "support" too much.... Oh well.)
It's amazing, guys; truly it is. When I started Cursed with Power --oh God here comes her life long story; how can she ramble on like this--I did not think anybody could get into the storyline, except for me of course. I mean, really, who was going to want to read a book about there only being five Dark magicians alive? It almost sounded stupid and like a waste of my time. Now, I spend almost all my free time on this book --she still has a life after this *shocked*--and more oftenly I am proved that it's a great way to pass time.
Writing is something I've always been passionate about. When I write I keep my readers in mind. There's nothing better than telling a story and having someone like it so much that they tell other people about it.
So to sums this all up, there is going to be a comments page on the Magicians series blog. You'll be able to leave remarks there about the book(s). I've read a lot of good reviews about Cursed with Power --I've dreadfully read through bad, as well--and it's the positive ones that keep me writing. I doubt I'd be able to sleep at night if I knew no one liked what I wrote. It's so much more inspirational when there are readers...even fans.
I'll post again soon when I have more to speak of. If you weren't mentioned in the thank yous please don't take it personally; I listed names off the top of my head, but I promise I have not forgotten any who I wasn't able to mention.
You're so sweet! It's my pleasure.
You're very welcome - I'm hoping the blog will be as much and more than your expectations! :)
*goes off to work on blog*
Awww, that was nice of you to mention me. I can't believe I won, :D.
Can't wait to see the new blog!
aww thanks so muchh!!!:) i will keep that post it note foreverr:) and your welcome thanks for being such an amazing friend:)
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