I live in Maryland, so unfortunately we are expected to see Hurricane Sandy. Hopefully we won't lose power, but if we do I have all my writing materials to keep me busy and occupied.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Hurricane Sandy approaching
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 1:08 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Writing in Red

Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 7:13 AM 0 comments
Thursday, October 18, 2012
4th year of NanoWriMo
Believe it or not, four years ago I joined NaNoWriMo and entered into a whole new world of madness I never knew excited. And let me just say for the record that four years ago I was scared. Literally. 50k in 30 days? Madness, complete madness!
However, after that first year Nano actually became a real challenge for me. Sadly I've never made it to the 50k because the novels I chose to write were ones I fell out of touch with. This year I can guarantee you that won't happen. It's kind of hard to give up on a novel your publisher is expecting you to write...
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 3:03 PM 0 comments
Friday, October 12, 2012
- 3 character bookmarks -featuring Alaire, Leal, and Celestria
- Free Paperback copy of Cursed With Power (AUTOGRAPHED)
- Free e-book version of Cursed With Power (Winner can choose between Nook and Kindle. Kindle copy can be signed)
- 5 signed bookmarks
- Medium sized poster -includes author's signature
"The thing that sets 'Cursed with Power' apart is the realism," says Donaho, who describes her role in this case as proofreading and tweaking. "[The book] has some religious aspects, some romance, and her readers can relate to the universal themes of friendship, love, trust and the death of someone close.
"At her age this is a tremendous accomplishment. ["Cursed with Power"] is the first book in a series, and she makes you want to read the next one."
Happy Friday everyone!
Lindsey R. Sablowski
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 7:04 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Contest, and prizes, and winners... OH MY!
We're starting the day off saying "AWWW" to this adorable kitty. But where was I?
Did you hear contest? That's right! I will be hosting a Cursed With Power FALL GIVEAWAY contest this month! Anyone and everyone is welcome to enter, and believe me you won't want to miss out on this. We're not only celebrating that fall is in the air, but this is also a celebration that CWP has been officially published for a month now (I'm a few days late on noticing). Everyone has been so supportive... It's time you gain something back from it!
Now I won't reveal what the prizes are just yet, but I should have everything ready by tonight so I can post up the contest before the end of the week. The contest will be held on Rafflecopter -not that you care; I can just post it into my blog or paste the link-so the more you participate, the more you can win!
This is the first official contest we're having. If it goes over really well, I promise there will be more for the next contest. Even so, don't leave disappointed because I'm sure there's a prize in there for everybody that could be of interest.
So what do you say.... Are you ready for this?
Lindsey R. Sablowski
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 1, 2012
Where will October take you? *includes COVER REVEAL*
For some like J.K. Rowling, October will take her -and perhaps keep her-on the top ten bestselling books. For others like me and you, eh... we envy what she can accomplish with another book.
But it's October at last! The last few weeks of September were a bit crazy, and I apologize in advance for the madness. However, the beginning of a new month is always promising, and while I can't actually think of all that much that's happening this month, there are several on my calendar.
Howard County Times newspaper will be publishing their article on Cursed With Power this Thursday! I'll have copies for any of you who are interested; if you live outside of Maryland, perhaps I could mail you one if you're dying to have it.
We think we'll go to Boston! Well not physically, but I will be doing a Skype chat with students at Emerson college about being managing the lifestyle of a college student and author.
November is coming closer with each passing day, meaning that before any of us realize it it'll be November 17th -Hunt Valley signing! (These events are also posted on my author website.)
But more importantly, we have a cover reveal today! I've been talking about the upcoming sequel, but in case you didn't notice, there isn't a cover for it. Unfortunately I've had New Life still floating around. So all the credit goes to Kristia Seabolt for the amazing design of this cover! It's only a place holder for now, but... well you're not listening now, so I'll just let you look at it:
Posted by Lindsey Richardson at 6:37 AM 2 comments