Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Upcoming sequel, book signing... oh, and a deadline

First off, I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays.  I'm a little late on returning, but lately life has been catching up -a phrase I'm becoming too familiar with these days.  Over the week I put out the money for 20 copies of Cursed With Power and 25 business cards for my upcoming book signing (January 19th).  It's in Maryland, but if you live in or near the area feel free to leave a comment and I'll include the address for you.  I will say it was money well-spent because in the end I always look forward to these book events; it makes me feel like CWP is coming alive. (If that makes any sense?)  So far all of the signings I've had has been with my fellow authors at Old Line Publishing, so it's also nice to finally put faces to the names I've seen on book covers.
Someone asked me the other day what it's like writing the sequel to Cursed With Power, since with that book I had no actual deadline and with the sequel I've made my own deadline.  Old Line isn't requiring that I have the second book finished by a certain date, seeing as they're not signing me on until I send it to them, but regardless of that I personally would like to have the book finished to release in spring.  It can be quite a struggle at times, and I'll admit some days I write more (or less) than other days, but in the end I do believe it'll be worth it.  The fact that readers are finishing CWP and awaiting the next book is enough to keep me going, and at the end of the day that's what gives me hope.

Anyways, I have some writing to get back to, but remember to check back in because in the next day or so we're having the blog redesigned! :)  Night all!
Lindsey R. Sablowski


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