Thursday, July 25, 2013

Last day to Pre-Order

First off I want to thank everyone for their patience and continuous support for the upcoming sequel, Shadows and Embers. My proof arrived today, and though it's not officially the first copy of the book it is the first hard copy I've been able to hold with my hands. It's always a really great feeling when you can finally hold your book in your hands and say "I wrote this." I apologize that the pictures above are a bit fuzzy; I took them with my phone and the room wasn't bright enough to show it off well. I'll be posting better pictures later tonight or tomorrow.

Tomorrow is release day, and I hope you're as excited as I am for this big day. It has been a long ten months writing and waiting and editing, and now it's finally done and I am thrilled to be sharing the next story in the Magicians series. For those of you who can't wait, remember today is your last day to pre-order.  You can pre-order through PayPal -the link is also on my sidebar where it says "buy it now"- and when you pre-order you will receive a signed copy of SandE as well as a signed bookmark that goes along with it. This opportunity will not be available again until a giveaway begins or a book signing, so don't miss out! I've heard a lot people telling me they need something new to read this summer, and now is your perfect chance.
Also, you can now add Shadows and Embers to your Goodreads bookshelf. The links that lead to Amazon and so forth where you can buy the book do not work yet since the book has not released, but they'll be working tomorrow.

As for release day, the book will be releasing in paperback format as well as Kindle.  Nook format will be coming on when I purchase expanded distribution. Paperback costs $12.99, and remember for a limited time now the first book in the series, Cursed With Power, is at a discounted price of $17.06 on Amazon.

Fun facts about the book that you might not now:

  • The book was first titled New Life based on the promises Celestria and Leal made to each other in CWP. Then the title was changed to Punished With Destiny, and was finally altered to Shadows and Embers which made it all the way through to publication.
  • The second book was always intended to be Leal's story.
  • Nicia, Leal's best friend in the book, was originally not meant to become anything more than a minor character. It was a bit shaky as to whether she would even have any role after part one, but in the final versions she made it all the way through and earned a role as a major character.
  • Originally Leal was meant to be on the cover of the book, but instead Nicia won him over -and perhaps the real story behind that is in the ending of this book.
  • SandE is split into two parts -the first focusing on Leal's life in Destin, and the second focusing on his life after the events where CWP ended.
Tomorrow I'll be back with all of the links to where you can purchase the book, as well as more talk about it. Again thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of this book. It's good to see that Cursed With Power is no longer alone. The wait ends tomorrow, ladies and gentlemen!
Lindsey R. Sablowski


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