Monday, July 26, 2010

Chapter ten has been UPLOADED

Book JacketI have finally finished and uploaded chapter ten of Cursed with Power.  I'm sorry it kind of took me some time, but I didn't just write all today, as you know.

Chapter ten is finally here... along with several secrets and questions!
For Celestria there has always been a lot of questions left unanswered for her, however in chapter ten she begins to see answers to these questions.  Now what she really has to ask herself is whether these answers are the truth or if there are more secrets that are hiding from her.
What you never expected is going to happen!
So be prepared for the unexpected.
Read the story.  Review it.  Comment.  Add it.

Also, the story is now only on five pick lists, but it is still on eight watch lists.  The ranking is still pretty low --at 1122.  At least the story is slowing making its way up in ranking.
Come tomorrow I will have officially spent a whole month on Cursed with Power so far.  Yeah!
Remember you can suggest quotes on the Cursed with Power quotes page that you think should definitely be posted up.  Most likely whatever you suggest from the book I will put up. :)
Happy writing,


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