Saturday, July 24, 2010

Just so you know...

I thought I'd let you know --in case you were curious--that I haven't put up the edits for chapters six or seven yet.  I do not know when I will actually get to that because right now I'm on a roll --so to speak--with the story and I do not want to get side tracked by editing. I assure you that edits will go up in time to come, but as of right now I do not know when it will come up.
Also, I just wanted to thank Lala over at Lala Land for giving me an award on her blog.  I feel like now every time I go on a blog I'm following people are suddenly handing out awards and saying wonderful things about me. *sniff* That's so touching, guys.
And apparently sometimes when I start rambling on about writing it tends to get very boring, so I ask you forgive me if I have ever bored you.  (I really do not try to do that)...
Happy writing,


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