Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Do you have a life while Nano is going on?

It's a serious question I must ask because I think because of Nano this year I am coming to these conclusions:

  • My computer will not talk back to me.  No matter what I yell at it or how I plead it to help me with what I'm writing the response is always the same...silence
  • Words will not simply jump onto Word. I actually have to type them as them come to me. *dies a little*
  • I use *dies* a lot --according to this guy I know I've died about 3000 something times in my 16 years of life. Wow, I have many more times to die. 
  • Writing 10K for Certain Fate was already madness.  Writing 50K for STRONGER...there is no word to describe it.
  • I cannot work on Cursed with Power and STRONGER during the same time.  I cannot even have both files open at the same time or it will entirely ruin my focus.
  • Kerrich --a main character in STRONGER--enjoys mocking me...almost too much.  He telling me, "You say you'll get this chapter done but you've only having a sentence finished so far."
  • The rest of my family does not understand what Nano is, nor do they seem to comprehend why I'm throwing my hands up in the air while typing.  
How are you getting through Nano?  What is driving you crazy and how are you still managing to have a life while participating in this?
Or, like me, has the writing become your life?  Where you simply must be typing or you find it hard to breathe...And when you cannot type because of matters like school and work you're thinking about when you next can asap so you won't lose that great scene that just came to you.
Keep on writing everyone!

Be there for the magic: www.themagiciansseries.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

No, I have no life. I don't have one anyway, but now I really don't. Just keep plugging.

Julie Musil said...

I have a husband and three sons, so real life prevails over nano life. But, I'm clocking in my word count while the kids are at school. Two days in, and so far so good. I hope you're doing awesome!

Lindsey Richardson said...

Tessa: Oh nice, I can relate to you there:P

Julie: I understand; with a husband and children you probably still do keep up with your ordinary life. All the same, though, that's great you can keep writing in your free time. I'm doing pretty well; hope you're doing just as good.

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