I realize yesterday I never got the chance to blog, but the title of this post explains it all. I was attempting to dedicate my undivided attention to Nano.
Here it is the 8th day of this writing madness and I'm at 10K. *sighs* But at least I'm not all that far behind yet.
As you might have noticed there's a new page up about a book called Arisen Darkness.
Cover by Hannah
The premier for Arisen Darkness will go live on the blog by December 1st. I shall not post it before then because I cannot begin to think about this book --and the series it is a part of--in any more detail until Nano is over and done with.
Now onto STRONGER....
Do not cry, even when the rest of the world is falling apart around you. You must stay strong.
I am spending a lot of time with this book. (A lot doesn't even cover it.) Every spare moment I get I am writing more for STRONGER and I am looking forward to it going public on December 1st. Remember if you want to be updated when the book goes public to request being on the mailing list.
As you hopefully are, I am excited about this project. It is well right now, and I look forward to posting it public. While it is already past 10K and could go public now I have decided against that because I will do editing once Nano ends so then it doesn't look like a crappy half-done piece of work. (Because if anybody tells me it's like that I shall cry in the corner of my room... after I grab my box of tissues.)
A new summary for STRONGER has been uploaded. Please look on the "new release" page to view. Hope you like it.
Cursed with Power. Yes, the book still exists!
Sadly enough I cannot even remember the last time I spoke about this book, so I can imagine many of you might have determined I had all together given together or I had quite possibly fallen off the Earth. (That really can happen you know...It happened to Justin Guarnni; haha just kidding that would be for another time to discuss.)
So to reassure you I will state simply that
- Just because I don't update the blog everyday about the book doesn't mean I've stopped writing it
- A chapter update has not gone up because I do not post chapters for public view until they are complete
- Celestria is extremely angry with me as of right now. Please ask her to forgive me.
Anyways, so I just thought I'd post this picture as a closure to this post because lets be honest. That guy is gorgeous!
All right back to work for me. And I just realized it's Character Blog Monday:O Failure; I need to get that out of the way before the end of the night....
Be there for the magic: www.themagiciansseries.blogspot.com
Arisen Darkness looks great! Can't wait to read!
Thanks. I can always count on you to be enthusiastic towards new projects of mine:)
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