Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Working on Cursed with Power

I have just spent what feels like forever on the Writer Interviews for today, but now I really must get back to serious business.  I have a new story idea that I just want to quickly save on IP and set to private and then I have to get to work on...
Currently writingToday I am going back to chapter one of Cursed with Power and re-editing that.  I have actually been advised by one of my top favorite online authors that it would probably be best I show Dyanna's death or show Dyanna in the first chapter so readers will care about her and understand also why Celestria is so hurt because of this.
You, like me, might be wondering what I'm going to do.  To be honest I have not an idea because I still want to keep the beginning with the dream that Celestria has.... I guess that's why I need to start working on it now so I can sit and ponder about that for a while.  (Or a very long time).
Nonetheless, I am hopeful in figuring out something before the end of the day and if I don't... You guys will be hearing about it because I'll suddenly be like "Guys, this sucks.  I came up with nothing." But you and I both know we don't want that kind of post to come up, so I promise I'm going to give it my all to see what is left in my brain and what words I still know at the moment.  Do you ever have those moments where you feel you're completely losing any good word choice you knew at a time?  Sometimes I have days like that.... *sigh*

I'll post again when I have more to tell you, but for now I believe that is all.  If you said you were interested in a writing interview I have it noted on my "Writer Interviews" page.
In the mean time if you have nothing else to do you can of course read Cursed with Power as it is now and tell me your thoughts.  Read it. Review it. Comment.  Add it.


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