Thursday, May 9, 2013

Coming soon: A cover reveal with a fabulous prize!

The upcoming sequel to Cursed With Power, Shadows and Embers, is still awaiting an official release date for publication, but it’s coming very soon. In the mean time remember to show your support and help spread the word!
Like everyone else, I am waiting on news about the upcoming sequel. I assure you that from my end the wait seems to be dragging on.  When it comes to my book I tend to think ahead about the near future, and once Shadows and Embers is set for publication there will be a cover reveal.  I realize it's hard to remember what happened eight months ago -I'm lucky if I remember what happened yesterday-but when Cursed With Power came out I didn't have a huge cover reveal.  I mostly just posted the cover on all of my social media networks.
Now that I've learned from my first experience, I want to have a cover reveal.  I am aware some of you have already expressed interest, but for those of you who were thinking "Eh, why should I?" I have an answer for you.
When we have the cover reveal for Shadows and Embers there will also be a prize for whoever pulls off the best reveal.  If you present it really went, impress me, maybe even attract some attention you definitely deserve something for that.  Whoever pulls off the best cover reveal will win a free signed copy of the book.  (If you would prefer e-book this is also a possibility.)  By the time the cover is revealed the book will still be awaiting release, but if you win the book you'll get your copy as soon as the book releases!  Keep in mind that even if you don't win there is still a big giveaway coming up, joining together both Cursed With Power and Shadows and Embers, and plus the cover reveal will help spread the word about the book.

So while we're still waiting on news, I just wanted to share that idea quickly and when the date is closer there will be more details about it.
And before I go, one last piece of news....
Baltimore Bookfest Logo
I have officially been accepted to attend as an author at the Baltimore Book Festival.  This is a huge event in Maryland; last year John Greene was there -and sadly I didn't attend and regret that decision.  I was surprised when I saw the email this morning and they told me I had been accepted. This event isn't until September 27th and lasts till the 29th.   Since it's such a big event and there are so many authors, each author can only attend one day. I will have more specific details about the date I will be attending and where my tent will be located, but I am really looking forward to the festival and if you live in/near the MD area I hope you'll consider stopping by!  As always, I will have copies of Cursed With Power available for purchase and signing, and/or if you bring your own copy I'll sign that for you.  There will also be bookmarks, business cards, and such at my table.  I'm not certain if I can bring the second book as well, but I'll contact the person in charge and find out.
Regardless, I'm excited and hoping this will be great exposure for Cursed With Power.  I'll bring along a camera and take pictures as well.  Hope to see you there!
Lindsey R. Sablowski


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