Monday, November 19, 2012

Cursed With Power first Book Signing!

Saturday was one of the best days of my life, and my first book signing was a huge reason behind that.  I woke up at 8am, got dressed, fancied myself up, and waited till around twelve in the afternoon for my boyfriend to arrive to drive me.  The book signing was in Hunt Valley at Greetings and Readings.  I arrived at 1pm exactly, and sat at a table with a fellow local author.  There were seven authors in total all from Old Line Publishing.

Everyone -authors and attendees-were friendly and delightful to be around.  The support was unbelievable, and let me tell you after spending six years trying to publish a book it was the most surreal moment of my life.  All of the rejections, the rough nights, the struggles.... these are the moments where you see that it really is worth it.
While unfortunately a lot of my writing friends live out of state (and nowhere near Maryland), I am so thankful to those who did attend.  My family, friends, and boyfriend stayed and supported me all the while.  It was a great experience for both me and the book, and I am so thrilled for the upcoming events that are already lined up.
Plus Michael J. Sullivan (fantasy author of Theft of Swords) and his wife showed up for the signing, which I cannot thank them for enough!  They stayed nearly the entire two hours, talking with my parents and the president of my company.  There aren't enough words to express how grateful I am that Mr. Sullivan showed up to the event.

Anyways, I just wanted to share the events with those of you who weren't able to attend.  There's much more on the way, but for now I have other tasks at hand. Enjoy your nights!

Coming up next: More book events for Cursed With Power
Lindsey R. Sablowski


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