Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Blogger Award

First I would like to thank Riv Re for awarding me with this, and also thank her support in my work.

Next, I'd like to pass the award onto 15 bloggers who I admire their personality, efforts, and blogging for.
1. Julie Musil at Julie Musil --For helping out a friend and having faith
2. Kelly Breakey at Blog like you mean it --For always offering to listen
3. Roland D. Yomans at Writing in the Crosshairs --For his passion and advice
4. Summer Ross at My Inner Fairy --For her support and wisdom
5. Sheron Paris at Sheron Paris --For staying strong through rough times
6. Leigh Fallon at Leigh Fallon --For never giving up and giving us all someone to admire and support
7. The ladies over at Project Mayhem --For the never ending advice and tips
8. Evie J at Peace, Love, Books --For the book suggestions and passion she has for her work
9. Dain at DAiNGER --For getting us all through marriage counseling with our books
10. Char Marie at The Stories of Dreams --For her amazing cover-making talent

Ah, well 10 seems to be the lucky number.  There you go ladies and gentlemen!  With this award, all you have to do is link back to this post, award it to 15 of your closest blogging friends (and of course let them know), and share 7 facts about yourself.

Seven facts about me:

  • I prefer to write in peaceful environments
  • Ever since I began writing five years ago, I just can't get away from it!
  • As we all must admit... I was that girl who adored Nsync and Backstreet Boys.
  • I am easily scared.
  • Despite my attempts at other genres, I have always returned to fantasy --the genre I know, continue reading, and can always add twists into.
  • My favorites series: Harry Potter ; my favorite novel: General Winston's Daughter

Be there for the magic:


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