Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A sort of new look...

Fictional Writer

So I guess you could say that I've kind of changed the look of this blog a bit.
I thought I would also let you know that first off, I had to get rid of the fish. As much as they may have been enjoyable, they didn't really look the greatest when this is mainly a writing blog and they made the blog run a bit slower --as Riv had predicted. Secondly, I changed the poll question because pretty much everyone who follows this blog had already answered it, so I figured, "Hey, why not just change it already?"
More importantly, as you probably already see from my last post, Write Here has switched over to I, along with most of the Write Here members, are very excited that we have made this move because ning was getting a little outrageous anyway. I hope you will consider joining us. At the moment I am the only member on Write Here because all the other member data has not been exported over to yet. Join Write Here and let the real writing begin!
Hmm... what else do I need to mention while I am going on and on about nothing in particular? I cannot really think of anything this very moment. I'll be splitting up my time between blogging and for now, so I'll catch you around whenever. Remember to keep spreading the word about Write Here Thanks.

Happy writing,


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