Thursday, August 26, 2010

In The Sky was a Dove

Thatcinderellastory on IP made two covers for In The Sky was a Dove, thus one will be for on IP and one I'll post up on the side just to promote this short story.

Here's the first one on the left.


Here is the second one.  Hope you guys like it because I know I love them both.  All right, now back to more of whatever I end up doing, which is not much today, and waiting on the other cover.

1 Comment:

Sheron Parris said...

ooo I love both covers as well, but I'd have to say the first one gives me a rather "foreboding" feel. But I've no idea if the short story is "foreboding," so it might be better suited to the second cover. Either way, I love them both!

And I am doing fairly okay. Getting TONS of rest and relaxation as my body copes. It really took a toll on me. (sigh)
I'm trying not to be so hard on myself but with college registration and whatnot, I'm bucking up and going for supreme moderation.
I'll be okay. I hope.

Nothing a little meditation, rest, and determination can't cure. =]

Sheron Parris

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