Thursday, August 19, 2010

Gotta write and while I'm doing that....

Today when I logging onto blogger and looked at the other blogs I'm following, I realized that it seems like everyone has something exciting going on over at their blogs.  And I can't help but to wonder if you guys ever get bored on mine, despite how hard I try to keep matters interesting.
Today I'm hopefully going to finish up chapter 17.  While I'm doing that I may try to make some kind of presentation for you guys so you'll be excited about it and have something to look forward to.

You know, one of these days I'm hoping I find a better way to be like "Here's where you can read my book" but until then I'll keep playing around with different ideas.
As for what my next presentation will be about for you....?  Well, that's something you'll have to find out when I have it finished and post it up.


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