Sunday, August 29, 2010

The "ending" is here.... sort of

Book JacketToday I've "finished" Cursed with Power.  I am putting finished and ending in quotes because the book has a lot of editing it needs to go through.  I am not even posting the "end" I have right now because it is this book out of all the books in the Magicians series that depends on how popular the others get.  If people don't read the end of this book and say, "Oh my gosh I want more. Please write the next book ASAP" we all know that will mean I've really screwed up.
I'm not sure exactly when I'll have the ending up, but you can read what I do have up on IP for now.  You can also read the book on Writer's Cafe by clicking here, but please note that you must be a member to do so.

And now you're wondering what's next right?  For me, editing.  For you, a premier of....

The premier of New Life, the second book in the Magicians series, will be coming in September!

I still have yet to determine a date.  I'll let you know when I actually do know.  Obviously I am not starting this book for a while, seeing as I have to at least get to a point where I feel confident enough to post the final chapters of Cursed with Power.  Plus now that I'm going back to school and I have work I have no idea when I will have free time.  When I do start it it's going to take me some time to get to 10,000 words.

Read Cursed with Power and catch up on what you've read.  Details about the ending are not going to posted here on the blog and when I post that the final chapters are up I'm simply going to say that and nothing more.
Yes, I am still currently writing Cursed with Power.  It needs a lot of editing --we've all been there--and more editing.  I'll keep you updated as always.

1 Comment:

Anonymous said...

What?! What?! What?! What?!

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